Your trusted experts for Environmental Solutions.
Service Areas
Eco-Alpha environmental division helps private companies and public agencies streamline CEQA, NEPA, and ESA compliance processes.
We’re dedicated to helping clients comply with often complex environmental resource regulations. We also offer technical services, compliance support and workload support for senior natural resources staff in both private and public contexts. The Eco-Alpha team is committed to high-quality work products completed on time and within budget.
- Environmental Permitting expertise (State and Federal ESA, CWA 404 and 401 permits, storm water permits, CDFW 1600 permits)
- Invasive Aquatic Species control and management
- Wildlife population studies, wildlife habitat anylses, ESA wildlife surveys
- Fish, wildlife, invertebrate and vernal pool monitoring studies, design and implementation.
- Watershed condition assessment, restoration project planning, design and implementation
- Water quality approvals under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act
Eco-Alpha scientists offer a full suite of natural resources capabilities to your environmental decision-making and stewardship of land and water resources including:
- Habitat assessments and inventories
- Wildlife biological surveys
- Aquatic habitat assessments and surveys
- Conservation planning
- Ecosystem restoration planning
- Natural resources management planning
- Ecological risk assessment
Our work supports CEQA and NEPA documents, regulatory compliance efforts and natural resources management assignments. We are experts in leading projects where protection, enhancement, management and/or restoration of sensitive habitats, natural functions, cultivation, and processes are the primary objectives.
- Simple IS/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)
- Simple Environmental Assessment (EA)
- Complex/Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
- Water Quality and Quantify
- Biological Resources
- Ecological risk assessment
We can offer expertise for any state or federally listed threatened/endangered species and sensitive habitat in California and much of the western United States through a combination of in-house professionals and strategic alliances with other partners who specialize in Cultural Resource Services, Assembly Bill 52.
Our work spans a wide variety of ecosystems in the West including Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Coastal California (north, central and south).
Assisting our clients with the complexities of environmental and natural resource-related regulatory approvals is a cornerstone of Eco-Alpha’s consulting services. We have extensive experience in effective, strategic approaches for securing environmental permit approvals and we’ve applied these approaches successfully for both private developments and public facilities.
Our expertise includes:
- Clean Water Act, Section 404 Wetland Permits, and 401 Water Quality Certifications
- Fish and Game Code Section 1602, Streambed Alteration Agreements
- Endangered Species Act, Section 7 Biological Assessments, Opinions, and Consultations
- Endangered Species Act, Section 10(a) Habitat Conservation Plans and Incidental Take Permits
- California Endangered Species Act, Section 2081 Incidental Take Permits, and 2080.1 Consistency Determinations
Our Experts Have Experience Preparing Documents for:
(Additional examples upon request)
- California Department of Boating and Waterways (CDBW)
- State Regional Water Quality Control Board (SRWCB)
- National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Delta Regional Monitoring Program (DRMP)
- San Francisco Bay-Delta Monitoring Program
Our Clients