Earth Day 2019 – A Time for Reflection – Endangered Species Protection
At Eco-Alpha, the celebration of Earth Day represents a time for our company to reflect on the importance of natural resource protection and the role we can play to protect our planet.
“In the end, we will conserve only what we love;
we will love only what we understand and
we will understand only what we are taught.”
― Baba Dioum
The endangered Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) is a part of the Art of Bees series featured endangered species mural in Sacramento, California. The importance and beauty of endangered species like coho salmon is not only reflected in Sacramento; 13 mural sites from New York to California are dedicated to educating the public on endangered species.
“My first assignment as a biologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) was to work with a group of passionate fisheries professionals on the Coho Recovery Plan in Santa Rosa, CA. Now, I’m proud to have Eco-Alpha team of technical experts work on projects that support the protection of listed threatened and endangered fish species and to see their numbers increase since 2005 is remarkable,” says Melanie Harrison Okoro, Ph.D (Principal and CEO, Eco-Alpha).
Eco-Alpha environmental division provides technical assistance to help our clients better protect threatened and endangered species.
Our goals are to:
- Advise our clients about the impacts of their plans and projects on species and their habitats.
- Plan victories that help our clients protect a broad groups of species and their habitats.
- Analyze the impacts of utility, transportation, infrastructure, restoration projects and plans on species and their habitats.
- Design and implement conservation actions and measures that add value to every project that involves threatened and endangered species.
Want to learn more about how we help our clients create thriving sustainable communities (click here).
Foot note: Endangered Species mural of coho salmon painted by artist Louis Masai in Sacramento, California. Photo courtesy of United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) website.